March 30, 2009

Starting a New Exercise Program is not a Luxury

The information posted below was copied from an online article here. Dr. Dennis Godby says it better than I can!

Because “not having time” is the No. 1 reason people give for not exercising regularly (3-5 sessions per week), below are a few reflections on an effective, practical, time-efficient exercise regimen that comes from cutting edge scientific research and experience:

1. Exercise is not a luxury. It is absolutely essential for optimal health. The American Amish, who walk an average 16,000 steps in their daily lives (compared to the average American's 2,000 steps), are rarely diabetic or overweight. Since most of us don't have physically demanding jobs, it is critical to schedule exercise time and make it a priority. If it is not scheduled, it will usually not happen.

2. A common way to sabotage success in a new exercise program is to over commit oneself in the beginning. Enthusiasm is essential, but it is just as critical to be smart. Starting gradually, and not overdoing it will reduce chance of injury, soreness, and burning out. What’s most important is to exercise for the long haul, rather than being the hare and exhausting oneself after a few weeks or months.

3. If you don't have 30 minutes a day to exercise, do 20, if you don't have 20, do 10, etc. The point is: START today, and get moving. "A body in motion tends to stay in motion." Certainly you have 10 minutes. Walk at home, or around the block, stretch your muscles, etc, but get going! Once you start, you will no doubt continue to expand your commitment to dedicated exercise time.

4. Train smarter, not longer or harder. In future articles, I will be elaborating on cutting edge research and training techniques, that I believe are much more efficient and effective ways to exercise than the way people have been taught.

To give a hint: Do "interval training" rather than same-paced "aerobic activities." If you like to walk, run, swim, or other "aerobic" activities, vary the intensity. For example, if you normally walk at 3 miles per hour pace, for a half hour, try walk/jog for several minutes at a faster pace, then slow to the 3 miles per hour you are used to and speed up again.
If you do weight training with light weights and many reps, switch to heavier weights with less repetitions.

Exercise is as natural to the body as breathing or eating. Preventing disease may be what motivates people to start an exercise program; what sustains people over the long haul with exercise, is feeling fully alive, and improving one’s quality of life.

March 20, 2009

No M&M's For Me!

I did it. I made it through an entire day without eating any of the M&M's my annoying (really she's nice) co-worker brought in! This is huge for me. Often when there are M&M's in the cute little dispenser, I walk up and eat handfuls without even thinking about it. It's not that I need or even really want them. I just see chocolate and eat. Ha! I beat it yesterday and I'm going to beat it today. What did you do this week that is a positive step in changing your negative behavior?

March 13, 2009


Okay, so you think you're eating well. Not too crazy. Then you sit down and actually figure out the calories or in my case, the Weight Watchers points. Yesterday, and this wasn't the worst day I've had by any means, I figured out what I had really eaten. I consumed 38 points rather than the 25 points I'm supposed to eat. No wonder the scale was up 1.5lbs this morning. Guess it just goes to show how important it is to write down what you eat...ummm you know, like before you eat it and not the next morning!

March 11, 2009

Obsess...Who Me?

Andy informed me last night that I obsess over food. Gee thanks, sweetie! Like that's a new thought. I personally think it's something I inherited. I definitely agree...I do obsess over food. But, in my mind I obsess in both good and bad ways. I love planning a great meal, I love thinking about where my food comes from, and I love knowing how the food can benefit my body. I also stress how about how bad it is for me, I stress about eating too much, and I stress about eating the wrong things. Men think about sex all the time...I think about food! Do you obsess over food, either in good or bad ways? Leave a comment and let us know!

March 9, 2009

It Is a New Week!

Well, today was not quite the disaster on the scale that I thought it would be. With finding out that Andy's lay off is "permanent" and his birthday and going out to eat at Olive Garden on Saturday, I thought I was for sure going to gain back that 2lbs I lost last week. Instead, it was only about half a pound. Guess exercise does do a body good!

PS If you aren't sure who wrote what post, look in the labels or "keywords." If one of us wrote a specific post, you will find our name listed there. Thanks!

March 7, 2009


If you want to burn fat, boost your metabolism, and sculpt/tone any part of your body, it’s imperative you do some strength training. And I don’t mean using some “two-pound-my-bra-weighs-more-than-your-dumbells” kind of weight lifting. I want you to push yourselves outside the “heavier weights = bulkier frame” mindset. I’ve been following the ChaLean Extreme ( program for a couple of weeks (three mornings per week, approximately 30-45 minutes each set) and I’ve seen metamorphisizing results already. My cousins Sunny and Mandy are currently in different cycles of P90X ( which I have followed in the past and let me tell you, it produces the same results.

Muscle truly does burn fat! It was hard for me mentally to imagine that lifting 20-30 pounds for each exercise wasn’t going to turn me into She-looks-like-a-He-Man and it was physically hard for me to lift that much weight but the goal is to exhaust your muscles after only 6-8 reps. And it works! My foopa/apron/tube of biscuits belly is actually starting to shrink, yeehaw!

But get real. If you haven’t worked out other than getting off the couch to change the TV channel because the batteries in your remote went dead, please don’t plunge into this intense kind of workout program. Exercise is something you want to ease into, make small commitments and stick with them, then up your anty by adding more days per week, more challenging routines, and heavier weights.

I know from personal experience that you have to keep “tricking” your body by doing different things to see results. If you run all the time (which is of course a great way to exercise), you occasionally need to break that cycle and try a group fitness class or workout DVD at home. Same goes for group fitness (which is my personal choice for a cardio workout………..running is something I truly try to avoid unless I’m being chased). However, I occasionally run stairs or run on the beach (easier on the left knee) giving that dreaded exercise “plateau” a big ol’ kick in the face! ARRRGGGGHHH! (That was my Pirate yell, hahaha).

So what are y’all waiting for? Get moving and lifting, and don’t forget to shake that booty!

March 5, 2009

What? You mean I'm not Superwoman? Well Screw That!

Well, life has a funny way of sneaking up on a person. All three of
us have been busy and not terribly inspired, I'm afraid. Personally,
I feel perhaps hypocritical in suggesting you should be healthy, eat
right and exercise. I posted I was below 200 on my birthday, yet here
it is nearly a month later and I'm still bouncing around the same
numbers. We won't even discuss some of the foods I've been eating
lately. Well those who know me, at all, know I'm honest. So here it
goes, as Rachel says, "We have to remember we're not superhuman!" My response was, "...just so you know I am superwoman."

But Rachel is right...we are not superhuman. Yet, we and society put
so much pressure on ourselves. Pressure to be the best spouse, the
best friend, the best employee, the best parent, the best whatever.
Two words people: SCREW THAT! Learn to take some time out. Learn to give yourself a break. Learn to value the small things. Just let go
of the pressure to "be the best." Just be happy and love yourself.
The rest will come with time.